La Inclusiva is the name of Juan Muñoz’s restaurant in Santiago, Chile where gourmet burgers are served.
Muñoz himself was born deaf in both ears and has a degree in gastronomy, however he had challenges finding work in restaurants. He was rejected from 17 restaurants due to the persisting discrimination against people with disabilities in Chile.
So what did he do? He started his own restaurant, that’s what he did.
He hired staff who are deaf or fluent in Chilean Sign Language to cater to the customers and represent the restaurant’s theme: inclusion. He didn’t stop there.
The restaurant is so inclusive that their menus are also printed in braille to include blind diners! The bathroom facilities are modified to accommodate wheelchairs, the entrance of the restaurant has a ramp for wheelchair access as well, which is apparently a rarity in their town.
There’s space for your service dog as well: diners with service dogs are allowed in and dine in a section with space for the dogs too.
Diners, both disabled and non-disabled, have come to enjoy the gourmet food and company at this restaurant with no barriers and walk away with an enriched experience.
That’s La Inclusiva, the all-inclusive restaurant.
La Inclusiva
Irarrázaval 3993, Ñuñoa
Metropolitan Region, Chile
El Definido (Spanish:) El restaurant más inclusivo de Chile es de sándwiches gourmet y queda en Ñuñoa (Spanish:) El restaurant más inclusivo se encuentra en Chile

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